Video of NY cop sucker punched before K-9 released on him
Video of bad guy drawing gun on Tulsa cops before fatality

Topic 1 concerns a video of Newburgh (New York) Police K-9 Officer Roman Scuadroni encountering Tony Mann who was suspected of being armed with a knife. Mann sucker punched the officer in the face and the officer responded by opening the backdoor of his police car and releasing his K-9 partner named Lee. Mann was finally subdued and handcuffed with assistance from other officers and treated in an emergency room for intoxication and a dog bite.

Topic 2 concerns a video of Tulsa (Oklahoma) Police officers coming into contact with Luis Manuel Arreguin-Lara who was suspected of having a warrant for his arrest. Arreguin-Lara suddenly turns his right side away from police as he reaches for and produced a semi-automatic pistol. Arreguin-Lara may have fired one shot at police before he was fatally shot by officers Dakota Jones, C. Riley and Justin McRee.

LEO Round Table (law enforcement talk show)

Season 4, Episode 48e (1,045) filmed on 12/02/2019

Chip DeBlock (Host and retired police Detective)
Ward Meythaler (Attorney and former Federal Prosecutor)
John Newman (retired police a/Chief)
Bret Bartlett (retired police Captain)
David D’Agresta (retired sheriff’s Corporal and police Officer)
Andrea Casale (retired police Officer)

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