LEO Round Table is an internet based law enforcement talk show. This is episode 42, recorded on 05/09/2016, with the following on-air personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host), Luke Lirot (Attorney), Bret Bartlett and Mark Hopper. We produce two 30 minute shows each week that are normally released on our YouTube channel Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to your host, the other panelists (except for attorney Luke Lirot) are active or retired law enforcement officers as well.
LEO Round Table episode 42 peter liang akai gurley william porter garrett miller freddie gray
By Chip DeBlock|2018-05-20T21:01:16-04:00October 31st, 2016|Talk Show Episodes, YouTube|Comments Off on LEO Round Table episode 42 peter liang akai gurley william porter garrett miller freddie gray
About the Author: Chip DeBlock
Host of the nationally syndicated LEO Round Table law enforcement talk show at LEOROUNDTABLE.COM