LEO Round Table is an internet based law enforcement talk show. This is episode 185, recorded on 03/06/2017, with the following on-air personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host), Luke Lirot (Attorney), Bret Bartlett, Mark Hopper, Bobby Alsip, David D’Agresta, Keith Hamilton and Cody Ann Cook. In addition to your host, the other panelists (except for attorney Luke Lirot) are active or retired law enforcement officers.

This segment was taken from our 1-hour LIVE show that was broadcast on our YouTube channel. We broadcast LIVE every Monday evening at 7 pm EST (the 2nd Monday of every month is at 8 pm EST). If you miss our LIVE show, you can watch 10 – 15 minute segments of it uploaded to our YouTube channel (and at LEOROUNDTABLE.COM) Tue – Sun.

Topic 1 concerns Multnomah (Oregon) Sheriff Mike Reese investigating deputies who were helping Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents deport criminal illegal immigrants. Governor Kate Brown is also referenced in the story.


Topic 2 concerns the U.S. Congress blocking an Obama-era rule that restricted certain mentally disabled individuals from possessing guns. Senator Charles Grassley, who sponsored the block, is quoted in the story.
